Event Reports

Jon Wolfsthal at The Wilson Center

Jon Wolfsthal on Iran Nuclear Negotiations and Timelines

CNS Deputy discusses ongoing Iran nuclear negotiations, timelines, and possible pitfalls if and when an agreement is reached.

IAEA Iraq Inspections

IAEA Iraq Inspections: Lessons Learned and Future Implications

Hans Blix and other experts discuss lessons learned from the IAEA inspections in Iraq in the 1990s.

Highly Enriched Uranium

Ending the Civilian Use of Highly Enriched Uranium

Recommendations to achieve the goal, a legacy of the Nuclear Security Summit process begun by President Obama.

TV Paul - Pakistan Lecture

The Warrior State: Pakistan in the Contemporary World

Pakistan’s “geostrategic curse” – a possible explanation for its inability to progress.

Nonproliferation Course to be Convened for US Officials in Washington DC

DEADLINE MAY 9: US Government officials are invited to apply to attend May 19-23rd, 2014 course at the CNS Washington DC office.

Stephanie Lieggi

CNS Online Course: “Global Trade and Weapons of Mass Destruction”

DEADLINE MAY 30: Identify how states and companies ensure that dual-use items are not used to produce WMD.

2014 NPT PrepCom

2014 NPT PrepCom

Updates from the NPT Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) meeting, including a Twitter feed and photos.

2014 NPT Action Plan Monitoring Report

Four years after the adoption of the NPT Action Plan, progress on nuclear disarmament is disappointing.

High School Disarmament and Nonproliferation Education Forum

APRIL 4-5, 2014: CNS brings together students from Japan, Russia & the US to study nuclear Issues.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon addresses the 2010 NPT Review Conference in New York

Rough Seas Ahead: Issues for the 2015 NPT Review Conference

Next year’s Conference promises to be contentious, with the changing debate on nuclear disarmament taking center stage.