Event Reports

Radical Leveling Technologies Major Jen Snow

Radical Leveling Technologies

VIDEO: Major Jennifer Snow talks about emerging disruptive technologies and their impact on society, marketplaces, governance and defense.

Six Visiting Fellows Complete Nonproliferation Training

Fellows from all over the world worked in an intensive nonproliferation training program specifically tailored to the Visiting Fellows Program.

MIIS Alumni Meet at the Open-Ended Working Group on Disarmament

CNS Director Bill Potter with CNS alumn, Costa Rica’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva.

Issues in Nonproliferation: One-Week Course for US Government Personnel

The next course, “Issues in Chemical and Biological Weapon Nonproliferation” will be held June 27 to July 1.

CIF participants from Japan, the United States and Russia at Santa Catalina School

High School Students Discuss Nuclear Dangers and Solutions with Dr. William Perry

The Former US Secretary of Defense met with students and teachers from Japan, Russia and the US.

Upcoming Event Washington DC

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty at 20

MAY 5, 2016: Lectures on the topic – Prospects for Ratification and the Enduring Risks of Nuclear Testing

Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal

The Delicate Balance of Terror in South Asia: Prospects for Strategic Stability

VIDEO: Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal, School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-I-Azam University, lectures on international security.

CNS Holds First Nuclear Security Capacity Building Workshop in Africa

Workshop on nuclear security, regimes, policies, challenges and how to address them.

Upcoming Monterey CA

Radical Leveling Technologies: What They Are, Why They Matter, and the Challenges to Come

APRIL 25, 2016: Seminar with Major Jennifer Snow, Chief of Air Force ISR Integration for Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation.

FAQ: 2013 NPT Review Conference Preparatory Committee

CNS has compiled a set of frequently asked questions (FAQ) relating to the PrepCom meeting to be held in Geneva starting April 22 to May 3, 2013.