Changes to NATO’s defense posture are likely to involve a strengthening of its conventional, rather than nuclear deterrent.
Russia has violated the 197 INF Treaty. The US can get them back into compliance.
Congressional testimony highlights future of nuclear energy cooperation and risks of nuclear proliferation
DEADLINE JUNE 20: US Government officials are invited to apply for the July 14-18, 2014, nuclear arms control course at the CNS Washington, DC office.
CNS experts report the nature and scope of nuclear security risks prepared with support from the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
If Russia were faced with a large-scale conventional attack that exceeded its capacity for defense, it might respond with a limited nuclear strike.
The Ukrainian crisis would have been a nuclear crisis, if not for past US-Russian cooperation.
Some allege Russia is violating the INF Treaty. Other explanations deserve consideration, according to Senior Fellow Nikolai Sokov.
The US and Russia don’t have to use weapons-uranium for civil purposes. CNS Senior Researcher Miles Pomper explains how.