After a quarter-century monopoly on such capabilities, the United States finds itself essentially in the same predicament that the Russians or Chinese have faced since the end of the Cold War.
The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty seems to be dying and no replacement is in sight.
Participants shared the view that normalizing relations was of fundamental importance to the maintenance of strategic stability.
VIDEO: Seminar with international security and Russia’s foreign policy expert Dr. Vladimir A. Orlov.
For 30 years, the INF treaty has proved to be a cornerstone of European security.
A track 1.5 event brought together current and former government officials and experts to identify areas of cooperation.
The proposed congressional action risks opening a Pandora’s Box of issues that are far more fundamental than the INF Treaty.
VIDEO: Dr. William Potter, Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar Professor of Nonproliferation Studies and CNS Founding Director.
VIDEO: Siegfried Hecker on the evolution of Cold War nuclear relations going from confrontation to limited cooperation.