Masako Toki
November 14, 2012
Watch the full Virtual Science Challenge for Youth Conference Video.

Santa Catalina students on a field trip to the nuclear medicine unit at the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.
US and Russian high school teachers worked together to teach the science of nuclear nonproliferation with the help of nuclear scientists. The students used online education modules developed by CNS experts and communication tools such as Skype and Google Hangout. Attendees from over 10 different time zones conducted their first online conference on November 1, 2012. Facilitators of the program, funded by the US Department of State, will have more conferences throughout the school year, completing with a final multimedia project presented at the Virtual Science Fair.
Risks and Responsibilities of Nuclear Power: Spent Fuel Management
The program helps students investigate management solutions of over 240,000 metric tons of spent nuclear fuel. Spent fuel, if not managed properly, could cause the widespread release of radiation or be used in the development of nuclear weapons.
Your Energy Future: A Nuclear Role?
Dr. Richard Wolfson, Benjamin F. Wissler Professor of Physics at Middlebury College
Topics covered were the current state of energy use and what role nuclear energy could play in the future of energy consumption.
Nuclear Safety: What are the Risks?
Dr. Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress, Scientist-In-Residence (CNS)
The scientific basics were introduced: nuclear energy, a nuclear power reactor, and variables of nuclear accidents and their prevention.
Preventing Nuclear & Radiological Terrorism
Mr. Miles Pomper, Senior Research Associate (CNS) &
Co-Chair of the Fissile Material Working Group
Aimed to raise students’ awareness of the real danger of nuclear and radiological terrorism, Mr. Pomper covered three types of nuclear and radiological terrorism and their prevention: nuclear explosives, nuclear sabotage, and the “dirty bomb.” He emphasized the importance of more robust international conventions to prevent nuclear terrorism.
Ambassador’s Video Message
Michael McFaul, the Ambassador of the United States to the Russian Federation, remarks to the Virtual Science Challenge participants.