April 9, 2020
This article is part of World War “V”: The COVID-19 Pandemic, a collection of all CNS COVID-19-related articles.
Professor Pamela R. Berenbaum, director of the Global Health Program at Middlebury College, joins the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies as a non-resident fellow, and will be aiding our efforts to share expertise related to the biosecurity/global health nexus through our World War “V” web portal.

Professor Pamela R. Berenbaum, director of the Global Health Program at Middlebury College
She has taught at Middlebury since 2010, teaching courses on global health, public health policy, social change, and disaster public health. She is a faculty affiliate of the Privilege & Poverty program, and is the faculty advisor to the GlobeMed and Amnesty International student organizations. Pam holds a Master of Science in Health Policy and Management from the Harvard School of Public Health. She has worked in many sectors, including government, corporate, academic, consulting, and non-profit. For ten years, she was an infectious disease epidemiologist at the Vermont Department of Health, where she specialized in syndromic surveillance, bioterrorism, and all-hazards emergency preparedness, collaborating with personnel from other state agencies as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). An avid community volunteer, she has provided pro bono survey design, data analysis, leadership, and other service to numerous local organizations.
See Also
World War “V”: The COVID-19 Pandemic
A collection of all CNS COVID-19-related articles