Chen Kane
May 5, 2014

New Website, WikiMedia Commons
About the Network
Middle East Next Generation of Arms Control Specialists Network (MENACS)
The Middle East is vital for the future of nonproliferation and security. Yet, despite the importance of the nonproliferation issue, there is a shortage of informed and active practitioners in the field from the region, and a lack of opportunities for experts from different countries to engage each other. To address this challenge, CNS established the Middle East Next Generation of Arms Control Specialists Network (MENACS) in 2010. MENACS members help develop and promote region-based approaches to arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament in the Middle East through capacity building, training, regional dialogue, knowledge dissemination, and teaching by example.
The New Middle East Nonproliferation Website
The Middle East Next Generation of Arms Control Specialists Network (MENACS) has now officially launched its website. The website includes details on Network projects and publications, offers membership opportunities, and an exclusive online tutorial on the Middle East weapons of mass destruction free zone initiative. The tutorial is available free of charge and in all the main regional languages (Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, Turkish, as well as English). This flagship project represents the heart of the Network’s goals and endeavors – reaching out to people in the region and offering much needed and accessible information to support and enable a wider discourse on issues of arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation in the region.
The Network has a three-tiered structure, including the steering committee, members, and affiliates. Seeking to expand the dialogue and work undertaken by the Network, young people from throughout the region who work on arms control, non-proliferation, disarmament, and regional security are invited to join as MENACS members. To learn more about the Network, its objectives, projects, and membership options, please visit us at