Maritime Sanctions Roundtable

Limassol, Cyprus
27 March 2024

Draft Agenda

9:30-10:00 – Registration & Coffee

10:00-10:15 – Welcome and Introductions

10:15-10:45 – Applicable Sanctions Measures and Vectors of Risk Exposure
An overview of sanctions measures applicable to key stakeholders in the maritime industry, both directly and indirectly, through exposure to other jurisdictions.

10:45-11:30 – Sanctions Evasion Tactics & Red Flags for Due Diligence
An overview of the most common tactics used by sanctions evaders in the maritime domain, and the red flags compliance officers should be on alert for to avoid sanctions exposure. The session will provide real-life case studies to illustrate evasion methods.

11:30-11:55 – Coffee Break

11:55-12:40 – Investigative Tools and Techniques
Open-source tools and investigative techniques that can help uncover sanctions evasion and links to sanctioned jurisdiction, using real-life examples.

12:40-13:15 – A View from a Sanctions Lawyer
A former OFAC lawyer, now in private practice, will discuss OFAC’s authorities and enforcement approaches, as well as best practices in effective risk-based compliance.

13:15-14:00 – Scenario: Panel Discussion
This interactive session will explore a fictional case study based on real examples of sanctions evasion to explore the complexities and decisions points involved in sanctions compliance.

14:00-15:30 – Lunch & Networking