April 28, 2020
It is with deep sadness that CNS notes the recent passing of Dr. Martin (Marty) Malin, who served for many years as the Executive Director of the Project on Managing the Atom at Harvard University’s Belfer Center. Marty was a distinguished scholar on arms control and nonproliferation issues, especially those pertaining to the Middle East. He was a superb editor and one to whom I was personally indebted in a collaboration that led to the publication of Preventing Black Market Trade in Nuclear Technology.

Martin B. Malin (Src: belfercenter.org)
For many in the community, particularly those who had the privilege of working at some point with the Belfer Center—including CNS’s Ian J. Stewart, Chen Zak Kane, and others—he was a supportive and caring mentor. Many of today’s nonproliferation scholars and practitioners around the world owe him a debt of gratitude for his leadership, insight, and approach to the challenging issues of our work.
A genuinely lovely person, Marty will be sorely missed by his friends and the broader international security community.
Bill Potter
CNS Director