April 5th, 2013

From the left: Dr. Robert Gallucci, Dr. William Potter, Dr. Etel Solingen, and Yukiya Amano
On April 5th, 2013, the International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention in San Francisco hosted a special event, the Presidential Theme Roundtable.
The roundtable theme, titled “The Nonproliferation Regime: Firewall Against Nuclearization,” featured International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General (DG) Yukiya Amano, MacArthur Foundation President—and former US Assistant Secretary of State Dr. Robert Gallucci, and James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies Director Dr. William Potter. The discussion was moderated by ISA President Dr. Etel Solingen, who expressed her appreciation that the ISA was honored this year to welcome, for the first time, participation by DG Amano.
The ISA is a premier organization promoting research and education in international affairs. The San Francisco convention drew around 6,000 participants.

Dr. William Potter, Director of James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies
In his introduction to DG Amano, Dr. Potter recalled that, prior to Ambassador Amano’s election as DG of the IAEA, CNS was honored to have hosted him as a distinguished Visiting Fellow in Monterey. He also highlighted that DG Amano had just been re-elected uncontested for a further term at the helm of the IAEA, giving him a key role in issues relevant to the theme of the Roundtable in the coming years.

Yukiya Amano, IAEA Director General
In response, DG Amano recalled that Dr. Potter had served as his “mentor” during his past Fellowship at CNS, and thanked CNS for its contribution in training and education for the next generation of nonproliferation and disarmament specialists. In his address, DG Amano outlined the key challenges faced by the IAEA in relation to the topic under discussion, including in areas such as the IAEA’s role in safeguards and nuclear safety, as well as nuclear security.

Dr. Robert Gallucci, President of the MacArthur Foundation, Former US Assistant Secretary of State
Another eminent panelist, Dr. Robert Gallucci, discussed regional tensions in East Asia and the Middle East in conjunction with development of the nuclear fuel cycle. His extensive experience in the field in both governmental and nongovernmental capacities allowed him to provide a rich account of nuclear issues to the audience.

Dr. Etel Solingen, ISA President
Dr. Potter discussed the upcoming 2013 Preparatory Committee meeting of states party to the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) to be held in Geneva, predicting, among other issues, tensions between nuclear weapon states and non-nuclear weapon states.
The Presidential Panel responded to a number of challenging questions from the audience relating to North Korea and Iran nuclear issues, the current challenges before the NPT review process, the future of the nuclear security summit process, as well as challenges arising in the NPT review process in light of the inability to convene the Middle East Conference in 2012.

Yukiya Amano, Dr. William Potter,
and student

Yukiya Amano and Dr. William Potter