May 3, 2018
Margarita Kalinina-Pohl
Another group of young nonproliferation experts graduated from the 2018 Spring CNS Visiting Fellows Program. Spring 2018 fellows included two diplomats from Cameroon and Kyrgyzstan, a technical specialist from the Republic of Georgia, and a graduate student from Russia.

CNS Spring 2018 Visiting Fellows (from left to right): Kunduz Estebes, Dia Kedze, Nadya Maslennikova, Zaur Akhrakhadze.
The fellows underwent a rigorous semester-long training program including a series of over thirty lectures on various aspects of WMD nonproliferation and nuclear security delivered by CNS experts from Monterey, Washington, DC, and Vienna. They also audited select MIIS courses offered under the auspices of the MA degree in Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies.
In addition to lectures and classes, each fellow conducted an individual research project under the mentorship of a CNS expert. At the end of the program, the fellows presented their research to CNS/MIIS staff, faculty, and students. All fellows received certificates of completion and joined a growing worldwide cohort of experts trained by CNS.
Spring 2018 Visiting Fellows Presentations
Mr. Kedze Dia, Foreign Affairs Officer, Ministry of External Relations, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Presentation title: “Cancer Treatment and Securing Radioactive Sources in West Africa”
Ms. Kunduz Estebes kyzy, Attaché, Department of International Organization and Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Presentation title: “Radiation Safety and Security in Kyrgyzstan: Current Situation and Threats”
Mr. Zaur Akhrakhadze, Senior Specialist, Inspection and Emergency Response Service, Agency of Nuclear and Radiation Safety, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia
Presentation title: “Cybersecurity Aspects of Nuclear Security: Nonproliferation of Nuclear Information”
Ms. Nadezhda (Nadya) Maslennikova, Graduate Student, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Moscow, Russia
Presentation title: “The U.S. NSG Policy towards South Asia: Power or Principle?”