Event Reports
CNS is hosting four visiting fellows from Chile, China, Ethiopia, and Kazakhstan.
VIDEO: CNS Director William Potter offers birthday greetings.
CNS connected nonproliferation researchers and practitioners with leading tech developers in Silicon Valley.
A track 1.5 event brought together current and former government officials and experts to identify areas of cooperation.
Students engaged with policy experts, high-ranking officials, and science and technical experts in nuclear-test monitoring.
CNS mourns the passing of Ralph Regula, an 18-term congressman from Ohio.
MIIS alumna Ambassador Elayne Whyte Gomez facilitated the adoption of a treaty banning nuclear weapons.
VIDEO: Dr. William Potter, Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar Professor of Nonproliferation Studies and CNS Founding Director.
VIDEO: Siegfried Hecker on the evolution of Cold War nuclear relations going from confrontation to limited cooperation.
A CNS workshop examined key provisions of the draft nuclear-weapon ban treaty to identify potential problems and seek possible solutions.
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