CNS Survey on Cybersecurity of Export-Controlled Information

March 9, 2022

CNS is launching a survey on cybersecurity of export-controlled information. The survey is aimed at officials in government agencies, companies, universities or other organizations that are involved in export control. You can complete it at the following link:

Complete the survey

CNS is undertaking this survey as part of a larger initiative to benchmark and identify best practices concerning cybersecurity of export-controlled information. Digital and electronic information associated with export-controlled items can itself be subject to export control. CNS has observed that many export licensing authorities do not set standards or provide guidance on what cybersecurity measures should be in place or what standards should be met. CNS is seeking to build a database of current, global practices using the resulting information gathered through this survey.

CNS will be organizing at least one roundtable session on this topic. Interested parties should reach out to Dr. Ian Stewart ([email protected]) to express interest.

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