CNS Director Potter Participates in Nobel Peace Prize Activities

January 6, 2025

CNS Director Bill Potter participated in a panel at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum in Oslo, Norway on December 11, 2024. He also was a guest at the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony and the official banquet dinner on December 10, 2024, which honored Nihon Hidankyo—the organization of the survivors of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was a very moving and uplifting experience, Potter observed, and could not be more timely as a reminder of the grave nuclear dangers we face today.

Recent NPTS graduate and CNS research assistant Hideo Asano also attended the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony as part of the Japanese team accompanying the Hibakusha.

CNS Director Potter Participates in Nobel Peace Prize Activities

CNS Director Potter Participates in Nobel Peace Prize Activities

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