
CNS article

OP#06: WMD Threats 2001: Critical Choices for the Bush Administration

Occasional Paper #6: Offering pragmatic guidance for the Bush administration on key nonproliferation issues regarding U.S. foreign relations, nuclear, biological and chemical terrorism, and organizing the U.S. government. It outlines measures to help defend the United States and construct a safer world.

CNS article

OP#05: International Perspectives on Missile Proliferation and Defenses

Occasional Paper #5: The focus of this series reflects the concern of both centers that the spread of ballistic missiles constitutes one of the most serious and complex nonproliferation challenges today.

The “Tactical Nuclear Weapons Scare” of 2001

Approaches and positions towards tactical nuclear weapons will need rethinking and reformulation.

CNS article

OP#04: Proliferation Challenges and Nonproliferation Opportunities for New Administrations

Occasional Paper #4: Michael Barletta, ed.

The Kursk Accident

Updates on the efforts to rescue sailors from the Russian nuclear-powered submarine Kursk.

The Fate of Russian Nuclear Weapons: An Anticlimax on August 11

Chief of the General Staff Anatoliy Kvashnin proposals for a radical reduction of Russia’s land-based strategic missiles lose out to Putin’s preference for caution.

Komsomolets: A Disaster Waiting to Happen?

The sinking of the Komsomolets is only one in a series of accidents involving the Soviet fleet of nuclear-powered submarines and ships.

Combating Terrorism

Congressional Testimony by John Parachini, July 26, 2000

Egypt and the Middle East Resolution at the NPT 2000 Review Conference

Many states think not enough attention is given to the Resolution on the Middle East, the focus for some Arab states in the upcoming Review Conference.

Politics and Pragmatism: The Challenges for NPT 2000

States party to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) will convene April 24 for the treaty’s sixth review conference.