
The Future of Russia’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Force Clarified

New land mobility systems could require an amendment to the Start I treaty.

The Global Partnership and Submarine Dismantlement

The state of dismantlement efforts and recommendations.

Military Exercises in Russia

Naval deterrence failures are compensated by strategic rocket success.

“Suitcase Nukes:” Permanently Lost Luggage

Nikolai Sokov February 13, 2004 View “Suitcase Nukes:” A Reassessment On February 8, a London-based Arab newspaper, Al-Hayat, reported that in 1998, in Kandahar, Afghanistan, al-Qaeda had bought nuclear weapons from Ukraine using the services of a Ukrainian scientist, whose first name was Viktor. Multiple news sources immediately linked this story to the 1997 statement by […]

Russian Submarine Dismantlement Issues

Assistance needs to be coordinated to avoid duplicating, delaying or missing tasks.

The Moscow Theater Hostage Crisis: Incapacitants and Chemical Warfare

Russian special police use incapacitating gas to stop Chechen terrorists.

Russian Floating Nuclear Reactors, with permission

Russian Floating Nuclear Reactors – Proliferation Risks

Construction of Russia’s first floating nuclear power plants is moving ahead.

CNS Releases Secret Soviet Smallpox Report

Report on growing concerns that terrorists could gain access to laboratory stocks of the smallpox virus and use them as a deadly weapon.

Release of a Secret Soviet Smallpox Report

Release of a Secret Soviet Smallpox Report

The first authoritative English translation of the report is now available.

CNS article

OP#09: The 1971 Smallpox Epidemic in Aralsk, Kazakhstan, and the Soviet Biological Warfare Program

Occasional Paper #9: The first authoritative English translation of an official Soviet report describing a previously unknown outbreak of smallpox in 1971 in the city of Aralsk, Kazakhstan.