
Kenshin Cho

Protectionist export controls could be bad for nonproliferation

It compromises the very foundation of America’s export control regime—a measured approach to mitigating the risks of global trade.

War on the Rocks

The Good Old Days of the Cold War: US–Soviet Cooperation on Nonproliferation

Emphasis given to nonproliferation enabled cooperation during some of the most frigid moments of the Cold War.

2018 US Russia Workshop

CNS Hosts High-Level US–Russia Workshop on Nonproliferation and Disarmament

A meeting was held with US and Russian nonproliferation experts to encourage potential future dialogue between the two countries.

Book Cover

The 2020 Commission Report on the North Korean Nuclear Attacks against the United States

A speculative novel on how the United States and North Korea might stumble into a nuclear war, by CNS expert Jeffrey Lewis.

2018 Summer School in Mexico

Fifth Summer School on Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation for Latin America and the Caribbean

Included discussions, a Nagasaki survivor’s testimony, a trip to OPANAL Headquarters, and a visit by Ambassador Gomez of the Ban Treaty.

Former Defense Secretary William Perry was one of the guests at he James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey on Tuesday. (Eduardo M. Fujii/CNS)

Former Defense Secretary William Perry Sounds Warning at MIIS Workshop

The danger today is the two countries would accidentally start a nuclear war because no one is talking to the other.

Once and Future Partners: The US, Russia, and Nuclear Non-proliferation book cover

Once and Future Partners: The US, Russia, and Nuclear Non-proliferation

Despite their Cold War rivalry, the US and the Soviet Union frequently engaged in joint efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

The National Interest logo

The Putin-Trump Summit: In Helsinki, Three Worldviews Will Clash

The West’s clash with Russia is a preview of the conflicts that will arise in the coming decades.

Flags of Israel and the United States (Src: Wikicommons)

US–Israel Nonproliferation Dialogue

CNS held a track 1.5 dialogue in Tel Aviv, Israel, April 29–30, 2018.

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

After the Trump-Kim summit: Where does Japan go from here?

The “biggest loser” of the Singapore summit faces tough decisions ahead. Some answers may lie in its recent past.