Event Reports

Winners of the 2008 Doreen and Jim McElvany Challenge

Winners of the 2008 Doreen and Jim McElvany Challenge Competition

Keynote Speaker Representative Ellen Tauscher (D-CA) Chair, Strategic Forces Subcommittee, House Armed Services Committee   Ward Wilson (Grand Prize) “The Myth of Nuclear Deterrence“ Nuclear deterrence is sometimes treated as a known quantity—a definite thing that keeps us safe and ensures our security. It has also often been used as a justification for possessing nuclear […]

Winners of the 2008 Doreen and Jim McElvany Nonproliferation Challenge Essay Contest

Videos of the Keynote Speaker, Representative Ellen Tauscher (D-CA), and the 2008 winners.

Bioterrorism: Clear and Present Danger or Self Fulfilling Prophecy?

A breakfast briefing held by The Nonproliferation Review on March 18, 2009 in Washington, DC.

CNS Conducts Seminar on Radiological Source Security in Georgia

Government representatives address problems of securing radiological sources and radioactive waste management in Georgia.

Cuba’s Accession to the NPT

Looking to fulfill its international responsibilities Cuba accedes to the NPT and Treaty of Tlatelolco.

Pilot Course on International Nuclear Safeguards Policy in Monterey

Focuses on the following topics:

Promoting Disarmament and Nonproliferation Education

Seminar promoting disarmament and nonproliferation education held for the first time as a side event to the NPT PrepCom.

CNS Researcher Speaks on Nuclear Terrorism at Russian Duma

Overview of the international seminar on Countering Nuclear and Radiological Terrorism.

Tokyo Conference: Asian Approaches to Space Security

APRIL 23-24, 2007: Broad support exists to prevent more space weaponization in Asia.

Space Weapons: Then and Now

Commentary based on the article Theresa Hitchens of the Center for Defense Information and Michael Katz-Hyman of The Henry L. Stimson Center.