Nuclear Status Report in the Former Soviet Union

June 18, 2001
Editors: Jon Brook Wolfsthal, Cristina Chuen, Emily Ewell Daughtry

On June 18, 2001, the newly updated sixth edition of the joint Monterey Institute-Carnegie Endowment Nuclear Status Report was released at the Carnegie Endowment’s Nonproliferation Conference in Washington, D.C. A full electronic version of the report is available on the CNS and Carnegie websites.

This report is the most complete single source of information on Russia’s nuclear arsenal and stockpile, the status of fissile material at other sites in the former Soviet Union, and the progress of U.S. nonproliferation assistance programs.

The report contains comprehensive details on:

  • the past, current, and future size and composition of the Russian nuclear arsenal;
  • all known facilities possessing nuclear weapons-usable materials;
  • the extent of U.S. and international nonproliferation assistance;
  • the history of U.S.-Russian arms control treaty negotiation and implementation;
  • the current state of nuclear export controls in key ex-Soviet republics; and
  • the location of major nuclear facilities in the former Soviet Union via a full-color map.

View the Full Report

Download the free report (PDF format):


  • Front Matter & Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Russian Nuclear Weapons
  • Chapter 2: US-Russian Strategic Nuclear Negotiations and Agreements
  • Chapter 3: US Nonproliferation Assistance Programs
  • Chapter 4: Nuclear Facilities and Fissile Materials in the Former Soviet Union
  • Chapter 5: Status of Export Controls in the Former Soviet Union
  • Annex: NIS Participation in Multilateral Nonproliferation Regimes

View the Map

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