Video and Audio Archive 2006-2013

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CNS 20th Anniversary Videos: Power and Promise of Nonproliferation Education and Training

For more, Visit the CNS 20th Anniversary Page


  • President Obama’s Peace Prize
    Johan Bergenäs interviewed by Al Jazeera English on President Obama’s peace prize.
  • Prospects for a START Replacement Treaty: Ambassador Linton Brooks
    Ambassador Linton Brooks talks about the prospects for a START replacement treaty, on October 15, 2009.
  • The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and Its Dangerous Legacy
    David Hoffman, Assistant Managing Editor for Foreign News at The Washington Post, on October 13, 2009.
  • Part 1: James Goodby U.S.-Russian Nuclear Arms Negotiations · Also watch Part 2
    On September 24, 2009, Ambassador James Goodby, Hoover Institution, Stanford University is a guest lecturer at the “U.S.-Russian START Plus Arms Control Simulation” at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. Ambassador Goodby talks about his involvement with various U.S.-Russian nuclear negotiations, including the Start I treaty between 1981 and 1983, and the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program. The class, taught by Dr. William Potter, CNS Director, is a simulation of U.S.-Russian strategic arms reduction talks. Students assume the role of U.S. and Russian arms control officials in charge of negotiating a follow-up accord to the current START Treaty which will expire in December 2009.
  • Independent Task Force Report on U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy
    On September 29, 2009, Dr. Charles Ferguson, Philip D. Reed Senior Fellow for Science and Technology at the Council on Foreign Relations, presents findings and recommendations of an independent study sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations on U.S. nuclear weapons policy.
  • Book Launch: International Law and the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
    On September 16, 2009, CNS and the Georgetown University Institute for International Law and Politics, as part of their joint Project on Nonproliferation Policy and Law, hosted a book launch event for “International Law and the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.” (Oxford University Press, 2009)
  • About U.S. – Russian Relations: A Conversation with Sergei Kislyak
    Dr. William Potter, director of CNS talks with the ambassador of the Russian Federation to the United States, Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, about U.S.-Russian relations, including prospects for nuclear arms control, NATO expansion, and the Iranian nuclear program.
  • Prospects for Reducing U.S. and Russian Non Strategic Nuclear Weapons | Q&A Session
    Miles Pomper, Senior Research Associate.
  • Gernot Erler on Nuclear Policy, CNS Study | Q&A Session At a CNS seminar, German Federal Foreign Office Minister of State, Gernot Erler reviewed Germany’s disarmament and nonproliferation policies and introduced a major study by CNS entitled Four Emerging Issues in Arms Control, Disarmament, and Nonproliferation: Opportunities for German Leadership.
  • President Obama is in Front of His Advisors · [4 min,] William Potter, CNS Director, was interviewed on the website “No More Hibakusha” by NHK.
  • Only Presidents Can Push START Through
    William Potter, CNS Director, was interviewed on Russia Today.
    The absolute key to a successful negotiation is presidential intervention.
  • Obama is Serious About Disarmament
    William Potter, CNS Director, was interviewed on Russia Today.
    Obama’s upcoming visit to Moscow could likely result in an agreement between Moscow and Washington.
  • Asia Pacific Regional Nuclear Fuel Cycle Approach
    University of Tokyo Professors Jor-Shan Choi and Yusuke Kuno talk about an Asia Pacific regional approach for a future nuclear fuel cycle for civilian use.
  • Role of Infrasound Detection in CTBT Verification
    Bharath Gopalaswamy, Postdoctoral Associate, Peace Studies Program Cornell University.
  • Engaging China and Russia on Nuclear Disarmament
    Potential roadblocks to success and how nuclear weapons fit into their national grand strategies.
    Nikolai Sokov and Jing-dong Yuan speak based on their Occasional Paper #15.
  • Legal and Policy Implications of Ambiguous Rocket Launches | Q&A Session
    Learning from the North Korean case, panelists explore the rights and responsibilities of launching and overflown states.
  • Better Safe than Sorry: The Ironies of Living with the Bomb
    Michael Krepon, co-founder of the Henry L. Stimson Center, talks about his most recent book: Better Safe than Sorry: the Ironies of Living with the Bomb and why there has not been another mushroom cloud since 1945.
  • Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Europe
    An overview of NATO’s nuclear sharing agreements, historical overview, a look at their role today and if that could change.
    Miles Pomper, CNS Senior Research Associate, via
  • US Congress & CTBT Ratification
    Overview of the present situation in the US Congress and how it affects the chances and approaches to ratifying the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty. Miles Pomper, CNS Senior Research Associate, via
  • The Future of US-Russian Arms Control | Q&A Session
    Speaker Dr. Alexander Pikayev Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russia.
  • Verifying the CTBT | Watch the Seminar | Q&A Session | View Scientific American article
    Using seismological methods to study nuclear weapons test explosions and their implications for the scientific and arms control worlds. Speaker Paul G. Richards, Ph.D. Mellon Professor of Natural Sciences Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University.
  • International Security Developments in Central Asia | Q&A Session
    Speaker Ambassador Erlan A. Idrissov, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the United States (and former Kazakh Foreign Minister).
  • A Political History of Nuclear Weapons, 1938-2008 | Q&A Session
    Thomas C. Reed, co-author of recently published The Nuclear Express, Former Secretary of the Air Force, spoke at the CNS Center on March 31, 2009.
  • Nonproliferation Review Special Luncheon Briefing | Q&A Session
    Watch Ward Wilson · Nathan Pyles · Grégoire Mallard · Russell Leslie
    Event page includes videos, photos, remarks, essays, and presentations.
    On November 12, in Washington, DC, NPR presented the winners of the 2008 Doreen and Jim McElvany Nonproliferation Challenge Essay Contest, featuring presentations by the authors and a keynote speech by Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher (D-CA).
  • Nuclear Energy in the Middle East: Clearing the Legal Hurdles | Q&A Session
    Introduction · Sharon Squassoni · Patricia Metz · Omer Brown · Henry Sokolski
    Event page includes videos, remarks, and presentations.
    As Middle Eastern nations from North Africa to the Persian Gulf look increasingly to nuclear power to meet their energy needs, nuclear reactor suppliers will be seeking to ensure that purchasing states have developed effective safety, environmental, and security regulatory frameworks to manage nuclear power projects, including measures to protect vendors from liability in the event of a nuclear accident.
    CNS and the Georgetown Institute for International Law and Politics sponsored a panel discussion on setting the legal stage for the expansion of nuclear energy programs in the Middle East at the Henry L. Stimson Center in Washington, DC, on March 4, 2009.
  • Nuclear Security Spending: Assessing Costs, Examining PrioritiesQ&A Session, Held: March 6, 2009
    Stephen Schwartz, Editor of The Nonproliferation Review presents a Carnegie Endowment report on how much money the U.S. spends on everything related to nuclear weapons.
  • Consolidation of Fissile Materials in Russia’s Nuclear Complex | Q&A session
    Pavel Podvig‘s presentation is based on work done for the International Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM),
  • The Design of the NPT | Q&A session
    Dane Swango, Predoctoral Fellow at CISAC Stanford, PhD Candidate at UCLA, discusses the goals, design, implementation, and limitations of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT).


  • Taiwan’s Nuclear Option? Security Imperative and Normative Transformation? | Q&A session
    Dr. Vincent Wei-cheng Wang discusses scenarios under which Taiwan would decide to develop nuclear weapons.
  • Destruction of Smallpox Virus Stocks? | Q&A session
    Dr. Jonathan B. Tucker on the ongoing debate over the destruction of laboratory stocks of the smallpox virus after the disease was eradicated over 30 years ago.
  • At Peace With Nuclear Expansion: Nonproliferation Imperative | Q&A session
    Dr. Raymond Juzaitis, head of the Nuclear Engineering Department at Texas A&M University talks about the world nuclear “renaissance” and the nonproliferation challenges of countries’ growing infrastructure for nuclear fuel cycle at a luncheon seminar at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. He highlights the need for proliferation resistant fuel cycle, nuclear materials awareness, and strengthening the scope and effectiveness of safeguards.
  • Four Myths About Nuclear Weapons: Hiroshima, H-bomb, Deterrence and Usefulness
    Ward Wilson, grand prize winner of the 2008 Doreen and Jim McElvany Nonproliferation Challenge Essay Contest talks about a new security paradigm at a CNS luncheon seminar. He argues that since nuclear deterrence relies on the threat of city destruction and city destruction is an ineffective way to wage war, he calls the efficacy of nuclear deterrence into question.
  • Evidence from Imagery: The Iran and Syrian Nuclear Programs | Q&A session
    Speaker: Dr. Frank Pabian In this age of increasing “Global Transparency”, commercial satellite imagery has now made it possible for anyone to remote peer over the fence and view what heretofore had been otherwise impossible…clandestine nuclear facilities (most significantly, those capable of producing fissile suitable for use in nuclear weapons). The synergistic combination of readily available tools: personal computers, the internet, three-dimensional virtual globe visualization applications such as Google Earth, and high resolution commercial satellite imagery has gone beyond what anyone could have imaged just a few years ago. The down-side of all this is that those who want to keep their clandestine nuclear facilities and associated activities from being either detected, identified, and/or monitored, are becoming more adept in their use of camouflage, concealment, and deception.
  • The Global Nuclear Future, Realities and Opportunities
    Thomas L. Sanders, Vice President/President Elect of the American Nuclear Society discusses energy future from an American perspective at a CNS lunchtime seminar. According to him, energy availability is directly tied to national economic health and the U.S. must change its energy posture to sustain and grow its prosperity.
  • Eliminating Nuclear Weapons: Reaching Global Consensus
    Ambassador Richard Butler, former head of UNSCOM and Australian Ambassador to the UN.
  • Symposium on Nuclear Nonproliferation, featuring Dan Rather
    The full video of a panel discussion, which included William Potter, is now available through the Rowan University website.
  • Academic Spotlight: IP531 Arms Control Simulation
    A film made by CNS/IONP about Jean Du Preez‘ Arms Control Simulation course taught in the autumn of 2007 at the Monterey Institute in California.

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Podcasts/Audio-Only Media

Audio recordings of interviews, presentations, talks, and events.





  • World Powers, Iran Discuss Nuclear Issues
    Leonard Spector was interviewed on All Things Considered.
  • Touching on Israel’s Nuclear Secrets
    Avner Cohen interviewed on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered regarding about the well-known “secret” program. Originally aired on July 6.
    Includes transcript and NPR’s recorded program.
  • A Chemistry Lesson on Uranium
    Leonard S. Spector interviewed on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered regarding Iran’s agreement to ship low enriched uranium to Turkey. Originally aired on May 17.
    Includes transcript and NPR’s recorded program.



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