Director, International Organizations & Nonproliferation Program (IONP)
[email protected]
Vienna, Austria
Areas of Research
- International nonproliferation organizations and regimes
- Iran’s nuclear program
- Politics of the Non-Aligned Movement
- Proliferation theory
Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova served as an expert on the delegation of Kazakhstan to the 2010 NPT Review Conference and 2009 meeting of the Preparatory Committee. She teaches a workshop on Iran’s nuclear program and previously taught a course on Nuclear Proliferation Trends and Trigger Events at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. Prior to coming to Monterey, she was Media and Outreach Specialist at the UN Development Programme in Kazakhstan. She is originally from Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Gaukhar received her MA in International Policy Studies, with distinction, from the Monterey Institute of International Studies (2007) and BA in Journalism/Mass Communication, Cum Laude, from the American University in Bulgaria (2001).
CNS Work
- Looking Backward and Forward: Day 1 of the 2013 NPT PrepComThe second session began on April 22, 2013 as scheduled.
- Implementation of the 2010 Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Action PlanAn updated report released ahead of the 2nd NPT PrepCom.
- Implementation of the 2010 NPT Action PlanAn updated report on implementation of the 2010 NPT Action Plan’s disarmament section released ahead of the 2nd NPT PrepCom.
- Nuclear Politics and the Non-Aligned MovementSEPT. 25: Launch of book by CNS Experts on the largest grouping of states addressing nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation issues.
- Expert Insights: 2012 International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) General ConferenceIn the lead up to the 2012 General Conference, CNS and VCDNP have prepared a series of Fact Sheets on the on-going issues facing IAEA member states.
- Calm Before The Storm? Low-Key NPT PrepCom Meeting Avoids AcrimonyGaukhar Mukhatzhanova June 2012 On May 11, 2012, the Preparatory Committee concluded its first two-week session in Vienna under the chairmanship of Ambassador Peter Woolcott of Australia. Uniformly described as smooth and business-like, the 2012 PrepCom meeting accomplished most of its tasks — settling ...
- FAQ: The 2012 Middle East ConferenceMAY 8, 2012: Q&A with CNS experts, Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova and Chen Kane.
- NFWZ ClearinghouseWilliam Potter, Leonard Spector, Lawrence Scheinman, Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova, Nikolai Sokov April 28, 2010 Introduction Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zones (NWFZs) are recognized as important tools of international nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament. In 2009, both the Central Asian NWFZ Treaty and the African NWFZ Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba) entered into force. NWFZs now cover 116 countries including the entire territory of the southern hemisphere. The Central Asian ...
- Russian Nuclear Industry Reforms: Consolidation and ExpansionAtomenergoprom, an integrated corporation for the consolidation of Russia’s nuclear industry.
- An Alleged “Nuclear Device” in Western Kazakhstan Is a Non-Nuclear InstallationA Kazakh parliamentarian announced Kazakhstan still possessed a nuclear explosive device. However, the device is actually a research installation for high-pressure physics experiments.
2015 NPT Action Plan Monitoring Report – Disarmament, CNS, April 2015
Coalitions to Watch at the 2015 NPT Review Conference, Nuclear Threat Initiative, February 2015 (co-authored with William Potter)
Rough Seas Ahead: Issues for the 2015 NPT Review Conference, Arms Control Today, April 2014
2014 NPT Action Plan Monitoring Report – Disarmament, CNS, April 2014
2013 NPT Action Plan Monitoring Report – Disarmament, CNS, April 2013
Nuclear Politics and the Non-Aligned Movement: Principles vs Pragmatism, Routledge, 2012 (co-authored with William Potter)
2012 NPT Action Plan Monitoring Report – Disarmament, CNS, April 2012
Forecasting Nuclear Proliferation in the 21st Century (2 volumes), Stanford University Press, 2010 (co-edited with William Potter)
The 2010 NPT Review Conference: Deconstructing Consensus, CNS, June 2010 (co-authored with William Potter, Patricia Lewis, and Miles Pomper)
Cleaning up Serbia’s Nuclear Legacy, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, September 2008
Russian Nuclear Industry Reforms: Consolidation and Expansion, CNS, May 2007
UN Disarmament Committee Forecasts Troubled Nonproliferation Future, Nuclear Threat Initiative (co-authored), March 2007
An Alleged “Nuclear Device” in Western Kazakhstan is a Non-nuclear Installation, CNS, February 2007
U.S.-Russian Civilian Nuclear Cooperation Agreement, Nuclear Threat Initiative, July 2006