Experts’ Quotes & Guest Appearances
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December 16, 2022: “North Korea tests new rocket motor, advancing long-range missile development” David Schmerler in NK News
December 15, 2022: “North Korea Tests New Engine for Long-Range Missile Strikes” David Schmerler in Bloomberg
December 15, 2022: “The peaceful uses issues” section, Elena Sokova at the annual Wilton Park non-proliferation conference
December 12, 2022: “Experts plan wider strategy to reignite push to abolish nukes” Angela Kane in the Asahi Shimbun
December 14, 2022: “North Korea: Is Denuclearization Dead?” Siegfried Hecker in Stimson Center webinar
December 14, 2022:Working groups on strengthening the NPT Review process, Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova at the annual Wilton Park non-proliferation conference
December 12, 2022: “Experts plan wider strategy to reignite push to abolish nukes” Angela Kane in the Asahi Shimbun
December 7, 2022: “China may have surpassed US in number of nuclear warheads on ICBMs” Jeffrey Lewis in the Defense News
December 6, 2022: “Russia Wants to Speed up Joint Nuclear Power Plant Project in Uzbekistan” Margarita Kalinina-Pohl in The Diplomat
December 6, 2022: “Arms Control and Regional Security Oral History Project: launch panel” Hanna Notte, Chen Kane at the Woodrow Wilson Center
December 6, 2022: “Everything Counts: Building a Control Regime for Non-Strategic and other Nuclear Warheads” Miles Pomper in Nonproliferation Monterey
December 2, 2022: “How Bad Are Things Between Russia And The U.S.? They Can’t Even Agree To Discuss Nuclear Weapons Inspections” Nikolai Sokov in the Radio Free Europe
December 2, 2022: “La pila di Fermi, una storia atomica – Speciale Radio3 Mondo/Radio3 Scienza” Federica Dall’Arche in the Radio3 Scienza
December 2, 2022: “The CNS North Korea Missile Test Database” in the NTI
December 2, 2022: “Alexander Kmentt receives the Seán MacBride Award: Vienna, Austria” Angela Kane in the International Peace Bureau
December 1, 2022: “Meeting of Global Alliance of Leaders in Paris” Angela Kane at the Global Alliance of Leaders for Nuclear Security and Nuclear-Weapon-Free World (GAL)
December 1, 2022: “Air Force Clears Hurdle for First Hypersonic Weapons” Jeffrey Lewis in the Yahoo Finance
November 2022: “North Korea Ramps Up Missile Tests” CNS in the Arms Control Association
November 29, 2022: “Everything Counts: Building a Control Regime for Nonstrategic Nuclear Warheads in Europe” Miles Pomper in Stanford CISAC seminar
November 28, 2022: “The Hegemon’s Toolkit: US Leadership and the Politics of the Non-Proliferation Regime” Hanna Notte at VCDNP webinar
November 28, 2022: “Machiavelli in the Ivory Tower Ep 5.7: What next for US policy on the DPRK?” Siegfried Hecker in Nonproliferation Monterey
November 25, 2022: “Krieg in der Ukraine: Für die Russen ist der Einsatz viel höher als in Syrien» Hanna Notte in SRF news
November 24, 2022: “Cosa succederebbe se l’Italia fosse coinvolta in una guerra nucleare?” Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress in Vice
November 23, 2022: “Machiavelli in the Ivory Tower Ep. 5: North Korea’s Nuclear Hinge Points” Hanna Notte, Sarah Bidgood, Siegfried Hecker in CNS videocast series
November 21, 2022: “Adversarial Precision-Strike Regimes Roundtable: Comparing China and Iran” James Lamson in The Freeman Air and Space Institute (FASI) & King’s College London (KCL) roundtable
November 19, 2022: “North Korea, vowing to counter threats with nukes, says test was of new ICBM” David Schmerler in the Japan Times
November 18, 2022: “North Korea claims Friday’s launch was a ‘new kind of intercontinental ballistic missile’” Jeffrey Lewis in CNN
November 17, 2022: “AUKUS and nuclear-powered submarines: Let’s all just take a breath” Noah Mayhew in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
November 17, 2022: “A full spectrum look at North Korea’s nuclear program: From above, on the ground, and in person” Siegfried Hecker, Jeffrey Lewis, William Potter at the CNS seminar
November 16, 2022: “Australia’s Future Submarines: an Explainer” John Carlson in the Nautilus Institute
November 15, 2022: “U.S. Policy Should Reflect Its Own Quiet Acceptance of a Nuclear North Korea” Jeffrey Lewis in the Carnegie commentary
November 15, 2022: “Strengthening the “Comprehensive Strategic Alliance” Between the United States and South Korea” Miles Pomper in the Council on Foreign Relations
November 15, 2022: “WMD Threats in the Middle East” Chen Kane at the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference
November 15, 2022: “The Ukrainian War and Weapons Proliferation” Nikolai Sokov at the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference
November 15, 2022: “Evolving but not disappearing: Neutrality after the Cold War” Angela Kane in the European Leadership Network commentary
November 15, 2022: “N. Korea building new structure at satellite launch station: VOA” David Schmerler in Arirang News
November 14, 2022: “Challenges to the NPT Regime” Elena Sokova at the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference
November 14, 2022: “OP#56: Russian-Turkish Relations and Implications for U.S. Strategy and Operations” Chen Kane and Hanna Notte in the CNS Occasional Paper
November 10, 2022: “Nuclear Weapons and Instability on the Korean Peninsula” Jeffrey Lewis in The Institute for Korean Studies lecture
November 10, 2022: “Should the Outcast be Recognised?” Jeffrey Lewis in Toda Peace Institute
November 9, 2022: “Nuclear Notebook: The long view—Strategic arms control after the New START Treaty” Siegfried Hecker in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
November 8, 2022: “Avoiding Meltdowns & Blackouts: Confidence-building in Inter-Korean Engagement on Nuclear Safety and Energy Development” Siegfried Hecker in Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars’ Korea Center discussion
November 8, 2022: “Spate of launches raises prospect of North Korean missile with multiple nuclear warheads” David Schmerler in the Japan Times
November 7, 2022: “Analysis: Sanctions fail to halt North Korea’s accelerating weapons programs” Jeffrey Lewis in Reuters
November 7, 2022: “Russia Analytical Report, Oct. 31-Nov. 7, 2022” Hanna Notte in Russia Matters by Belfer Center
November 4, 2022: “Voices of the Future: Panel of Future Leaders” Noah Mayhew at the IAEA Symposium on International Safeguards
November 4, 2022: “What if Russia uses a dirty bomb in Ukraine?” Sarah Bidgood in Meduza
November 3, 2022: “Don’t Expect Any More Russian Help On The Iran Nuclear Deal” Hanna Notte in the War on the Rocks
November 2, 2022: “North Korea fires 23 missiles, South Korea responds” Jeffrey Lewis in The World radio program
November 2, 2022: “Panel 7 – Nuclear Nonproliferation in East Asia” Jeffrey Lewis in East Asia Strategy Forum 2022
November 2, 2022: “Waffen für die Ukraine: Verdacht auf Schmuggel ins Ausland” Nikolai Sokov in Telepolis
November 2, 2022: “Monterey Conversations: Science Diplomacy, Past and Present | Gordin | Hecker | Notte” Hanna Notte, Siegfried Hecker in Monterey Initiative in Russian Studies
November 1, 2022: “Should the U.S. recognize North Korea as a nuclear state?” Jeffrey Lewis in Politico
October 2022: “Non-Proliferazione, Controllo degli Armamenti e Disarmo Umanitario: una Breve Guida Pratica” Federica Dall’Arche in L’Osservatorio (book presentation)
October 28, 2022: “Arms Control in Europe After the Russo-Ukrainian War, Really?” Hanna Notte at the Carnegie Nuclear Policy Conference
October 27, 2022: “Resolution Through Resolution? Open-Source Information and Nuclear Policy” Jeffrey Lewis at 2022 Carnegie International Nuclear Policy Conference
October 27, 2022: “U.S. Unveils Strategy for Nuclear Threats from China and Russia” Jeffrey Lewis in Time
October 27, 2022: “Russia says Ukraine is preparing a ‘dirty bomb.’ Is it true, and what does it mean?” George M. Moore in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
October 27, 2022: “U.S. Program Aims to Keep Sensitive Weapons in Ukraine” Nikolai Sokov in The New York Times
October 27, 2022: “76 pct of N. Korea’s missile tests since 1984 successful: data” CNS in Yonhap News Agency
October 26, 2022: “VOA: Transportable Building at Sohae Satellite Launching Ground Partially Dismantled” David Schmerler in KBS World Korea
October 25, 2022: “North Korea sets record for ballistic missile launches in 2022, raising global concern of another nuclear test” CNS in Grid
October 19, 2022: “What happens if the nukes fall?” Jeffrey Lewis in the Daily Mail
October 18, 2022: “Russia is trying to steal Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. Experts doubt Putin can really pull it off” John Carlson in Grid
October 18, 2022: “China’s Orbital Bombardment System Is Big, Bad News—but Not a Breakthrough” Jeffrey Lewis in Foreign Policy
October 17, 2022: “Analysis: What is Russia’s policy on tactical nuclear weapons?” Jeffrey Lewis in Reuters
October 17, 2022: “American technology boosts China’s hypersonic missile program” Ian Stewart in the Washington Post
October 15, 2022: “Will Putin Use Nuclear Weapons? Watch These Indicators” Jeffrey Lewis in the Atlantic
October 14, 2022: “The Power of VR and Storytelling: Building Empathy for a Nuclear Weapons Free World” Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress in the CIF Speaker Series
October 13, 2022: “Biosecurity: addressing the gaps in global biosecurity” Angela Kane in SOAS Director’s Lecture Series
October 13, 2022: “It’s Time to Accept That North Korea Has Nuclear Weapons” Jeffrey Lewis in the New York Times
October 13, 2022: “CYBER: Nuclear War 101” Jeffrey Lewis in CYBER podcast
October 12, 2022: “Lessons from Zaporizhzhia for inter-Korean nuclear security cooperation” John Carlson in the Korean Times
October 10, 2022: “International Security, Nuclear Weapons and the War in Ukraine” Hanna Notte, Federica Dall’Arche in Università di Roma Tre panel
October 10, 2022: “North Korean Missile Testing Could Be Prelude to High-Stakes Bargaining” Nikolai Sokov, David Schmerler in Sputnik
October 10, 2022: “North Korea says missile tests are practice for ‘tactical nuclear strikes’ on South Korea” Jeffrey Lewis in CNN
October 8, 2022: “Why is North Korea firing so many missiles – and should the West be worried?” Jeffrey Lewis in CNN
October 7, 2022: “‘Armageddon’ warning reflects Biden’s instincts about Putin” Jeffrey Lewis in the Washington Post
October 7, 2022: “Ukraine war: Very low chance Russia will use nuclear weapons – expert” Nikolai Sokov in Euro News
October 5, 2022: “Missili balistici e atomiche tattiche” Federica Dall’Arche in Radio3Mondo
October 4, 2022: “What’s Putin thinking? Tough to know for nuclear analysts” Nikolai Sokov in the Washington Post
October 3, 2022: “PICS Lecture. Nuclear Nonproliferation: Challenges, Opportunities, and Careers” Sarah Bidgood in Michigan from Program in International and Comparative Studies, International Institute lecture
October 2022: “10th NPT Review Conference: Why It Was Doomed and How It Almost Succeeded” Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova in Arms Control Today
October 2022: “US-China Areas Of Cooperation: Nonproliferation And Nuclear Security” Miles Pomper in Next Steps for the US-China Strategic Nuclear Relationship, Vol. 22, SR8, Pacific Forum International
September 30, 2022: “North Korea’s missile tests raising tensions after Kamala Harris’ visit” David Schmerler in KCBS Radio News
September 29, 2022: “A transparency regime for European missiles” Nikolay Sokov in Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
September 29, 2022: “WMD Nonproliferation and Arms Control: Challenges, Opportunities and Careers” Sarah Bidgood in Illinois Global Institute
September 23, 2022: “Tactical nukes: Why the world is so worried about Russia’s nuclear weapons” Sarah Bidgood in the Washington Post
September 23, 2022: “How to Rebuild the Global Nuclear Order Post-Ukraine?” Siegfried Hecker in CNS seminar
September 22, 2022: “What does Russia’s military escalation mean for Ukraine and its allies?” Hanna Notte in DW Inside Europe podcast
September 22, 2022: “Krieg ist an jedem russischen Küchentisch angekommen” Hanna Notte in NTV
September 22, 2022: “Ab heute: Referenden in den russisch-besetzten Gebieten der Ukraine” Hanna Notte in BR24 Thema Des Tages podcast
September 21, 2022: “German expert says China’s rise not a threat to US, Europe” Angela Kane in the Korea Times
September 21, 2022: “Why the world is so worried about Russia’s ‘tactical’ nuclear weapons” Sarah Bidgood in the Washington Post
September 17, 2022: ““Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.” Joe Biden avisa Putin sobre uso de armas nucleares” Elena Sokova in Publico
September 17, 2022: “The Australian submarine agreement: Turning nuclear cooperation upside down” Ian Stewart in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
September 16, 2022: “How Ukraine Has Changed Russian Diplomacy” Hanna Notte in Foreign Policy
September 15, 2022: “Partnership on AI Welcomes Prominent New Directors With Expertise in Public Policy and Technology” Angela Kane in Partnership on AI
September 14, 2022: “Azerbaijan used Russia’s weakness in Ukraine, expert says” Hanna Notte in DW
September 13, 2022: “N. Korea continues to run, expand uranium enrichment facility at Yongbyon: IAEA” CNS in the Korea Herald
September 13, 2022: “Deliberating Autonomous Weapons” Angela Kane in International Institute for Peace
September 13, 2022: “A Better Way to Detect the Origins of a Pandemic” Angela Kane in International Institute for Peace
September 12, 2022: “Prohibition of Military Attacks on Nuclear Facilities” John Carlson in VCDNP paper
September 12, 2022: “Critical Technology Protection Best Practices” Ian Stewart, Robert Shaw in the 10th Joint Industry Outreach Seminar, Singapore 2022
September 9, 2022: “North Korea: What nuclear weapons and missiles is it testing?” CNS in the BBC News
September 8, 2022: “Nuclear Notebook: How many nuclear weapons does North Korea have in 2022?” CNS, Siegfried Hecker in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
September 6, 2022: “Ghana includes nuclear in its energy mix” Anthony Stott in Nuclear Engineering International
July/August 2022: “A Better Way to Detect the Origins of a Pandemic” Angela Kane in Arms Control Today
August 31, 2022: “Establishing a Joint Assessment Mechanism for Enhanced Biosafety and Security” Angela Kane in APLN
August 30, 2022: “Russia Walks Out of NPT RevCon” Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova in Press the Button podcast
August 29, 2022: “Machiavelli in the Ivory Tower Ep 4: Nuclear Deterrence and the Ukraine War” Hanna Notte, Sarah Bidgood, Jeffrey Lewis in Nonproliferation Monterey episode
August 29, 2022: “How close are we to an accidental nuclear war? Nuclear experts on weapons safety, Russia and North Korea” Nikolai Sokov in Arirang News
August 26, 2022: “Russia blocks UN nuclear treaty agreement over Zaporizhzhia clause” Sarah Bidgood in the Guardian
August 26, 2022: “More data needed before ocean release of Fukushima water” Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress in the Japan Times
August 25, 2022: “The situation at the captured Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine just got way more dangerous” Miles Pomper in the Grid News
August 22, 2022: “Geopolitics and the Deployment of Small Modular Reactors in South and Southeast Asia” Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress in Pacific Forum Issues & Insights Vol. 22, SR4
August 15, 2022: “Russian-US Dialogue on the NPT Review Process and the Role of Youth” William Potter at the joint seminar of PIR Center and James Martin Center for Nonproliferation
August 15, 2022: “Jeffrey Lewis: The Work of an Open Source Intelligence Researcher: Keeping Governments Accountable – MBM #27” Jeffrey Lewis in the Minds behind Maps podcast
August 11, 2022: “Why COVID probably hasn’t helped bioterrorists, despite fears” Philipp C. Bleak in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
August 11, 2022: “Atomic Backfires: How Great Power Nuclear Policies Fail” (panel discussion) Sarah Bidgood in Belfer Center
August 11, 2022: “Investigating High-Consequence Biological Events of Unknown Origin” Angela Kane in the NTI side event at the NPT RevCon
August 10, 2022: “NPT RevCon10: Narratives On The Middle East WMD-Free Zone: Historical Accounts, Drivers, And Themes” Hanna Notte in UNIDIR panel discussion at the NPT RevCon
August 10, 2022: “Lab Leak? Bioweapons Attack? Natural Pathogen? A New Proposal Would Give the UN the Ability to Investigate” Angela Kane in the Global Dispatches podcast
August 9, 2022: “Russia Launches Iranian Satellite” Sarah Bidgood in National Security Daily, Politico
August 9, 2022: “27. Exclusive: North Korea’s Monster Fake Out” Jeffrey Lewis in Click Here Podcast
August 6, 2022: “An Increased Risk of Nuclear War?” Nikolai Sokov in NHK Japan
August 6, 2022: “What we know about the blast that killed Ukrainian POWs in Olenivka” Steven De La Fuente in the Washington Post
August 5, 2022: “The Necessity of a Meaningful Action Plan on Article VI of the NPT” William Potter, Elena Sokova in NGO Statement for Presentation at the 10th NPT Review Conference
August 5, 2022: “Geht Russland im Ukraine-Krieg die Luft aus?” Hanna Notte in BR24
August 5, 2022: “Grundsätzlich ist die Türkei als Vermittler gut platziert” Hanna Notte in RTL News
August 4, 2022: “Russia ratchets up the danger at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant” Ferenc Dalnoki Veress in Grid
August 4, 2022: “The lost nuclear bombs that no one can find” Jeffrey Lewis in BBC Future
August 3, 2022: “The Role of Diversity in Promoting Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament” (panel discussion) Nomsa Ndongwe at the UN headquarters
August 3, 2022: “Public event \ “Der Preis der ‚Zeitenwende‘?” Angela Kane in Bonn International Center for Conflict Studies
August 2, 2022: “Prospects of Global Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime” Jeffrey Knopf at 2022 NEREC-Sejong Conference on Nuclear Nonproliferation
August 1, 2022: “Dangerous nuclear fantasies” (book review) John Carlson and Miles Pomper in the Nonproliferation Review
July 29, 2022: “CSIS The Nuclear Posture in Review. Panel 3: Integrating Arms Control and Deterrence” Gaukhar Murtazanova at CSIS PONI
July 26, 2022: “Michael Krepon and the gift of meaningful work” Jeffrey Lewis in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
July 25, 2022: “Analysis: South Korea doubles down on risky ‘Kill Chain’ plans to counter North Korea nuclear threat” Jeffrey Lewis in Reuters
July 22, 2022: “Vladimir Putin aims to learn from Iran how sanctions are busted” Hanna Notte in DW
July 21, 2022: “The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty – a View from Washington” William Potter for the Los Angeles World Affairs Council
July 20, 2022: “Erdoğan asks Russia and Iran to back Turkey’s incursion into Syria” Hanna Notte in the Guardian
July 19, 2022: “Putin visits Tehran for talks with Iran, Turkey | Morning in America” Hanna Notte in News Nation
July 17, 2022: “Putin Seeks to Cement Ties With Iran, Turkey in Rare Trip Abroad” Hanna Notte in The Wall Street Journal
July 6. 2022: “Proliferation Financing Regional Focus: UK & EU” Paulina Izewickz in ACAMS webinar
July 1, 2022: “Russia-Belarus nuclear sharing would mirror NATO’s—and worsen Europe’s security” Nikolai Sokov in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
July/August 2022: “A Better Way to Detect the Origins of a Pandemic” Angela Kane in Arms Control Today
June 28, 2022: “Brazil wants special treatment for its nuclear submarine program—just like Australia” Ian Stewart in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
June 25, 2022: “Does AI Offer Planetary Solutions To Planetary Problems?” Angela Kane in Zeitgeister by Goethe Institute
June 22, 2022: “Is AI Upending Geopolitics?” Angela Kane in Carnegie Council Podcasts
June 20, 2022: “Experts “North Korea’s Tunnel 4 nuclear test will take several months… Political and technical considerations during the 7th nuclear test” Jeffrey Lewis in Korea Posts English
June 20, 2022: “Hanna Notte Über Die Lehren Aus Russlands Krieg In Syrien” Hanna Notte in Foreign Times podcast
June 18, 2022: “Nuclear arms reduction expert: Hibakusha will play prominent role” Elena Sokova in NHK World-Japan
June 17, 2022: “Fractional Orbital Bombardment System” CNS in GeeksforGeeks
June 16, 2022: “Who Is Deterring Whom? The Place of Nuclear Weapons in Modern War” Jeffrey Lewis in War on the Rocks
June 8, 2022: “Commercial Satellites Are National Security’s Next Frontier” Jeffrey Lewis in IEEE Spectrum
June 8, 2022: “How States Benefit from Amending or Rescinding Small Quantities Protocols?” Noah Mayhew in VSDNP’s “Governing the Atom Brief Series”
June 7, 2022:“NTI | bio and VCDNP Host Discussion on Proposed Mechanism to Investigate High-Consequence Biological Events of Unknown Origin” Elena Sokova, Angela Kane in NTI
June 7, 2022: “Odesa Talks – What Role for Civil Society in Conflict Zones?” Angela Kane in International Institute for Peace
June 5, 2022: “North Korea fires eight missiles, Japan condemns provocation” Michael Duitsman in The Jerusalem Post
June 5, 2022: “N Korea fires eight missiles as S Korea, US wrap up naval drills” Michael Duitsman in Al Jazeera
June 4, 2022: “N.Korea fires volley of missiles, prompting joint military drill by Japan, US” Michael Duitsman in Reuters
June 3, 2022: “IAEA safeguards – Reflections on the meaning of “diversion” and “non-compliance” John Carlson in VCDNP (project of NTI and CENESS on nuclear safeguards)
June 2, 2022: “How neutrinos could ensure a submarine’s nuclear fuel isn’t weaponized” Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress in ScienceNews
May 31, 2022: “Thinking About Iranian Deterrence Approaches” Jim Lamson in 2022 UK Deterrence And Assurance Academic Alliance Conference
May 30, 2022: “Risks of Nuclear Escalation after the End of War in Ukraine” Nikolai Sokov in Georgetown Journal of International Affairs
May 30, 2022: “Private companies track the war in Ukraine in real time” Jeffrey Lewis in PBS
May 26, 2022: “Hanna Notte analysiert den russischen Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine” Hanna Notte in Korber Stiftung
May 21, 2022: “North Korea tests presumed ICBM and two other missiles, South Korea says” Jeffrey Lewis in KAKE abc
May 21, 2022: “Guerra nucleare, Putin testa il “Chernobyl volante: il missile che può colpire a distanza illimitata (anche gli Stati Uniti)” Jeffrey Lewis in Il Mattino
May 19, 2022: “Cyber Offense and a Changing Strategic Paradigm” Leonard S. Spector in The Washington Quarterly
May 19, 2022: “North Korea may conduct a missile or nuclear test timed with Biden’s visit to Asia” Jeffrey Lewis in NPR
May 19, 2022: “N. Korea won’t accept help to stave off coronavirus crisis, experts fear” Jeffrey Joshua Pollack and Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress in The Washington Post
May 18, 2022: “North Korea threatens to test ICBM ahead of Biden trip to South” CNS in Nikkei Asia
May 18, 2022: “The Impact of Russia’s Ukraine Invasion in the Middle East and North Africa” Hanna Notte testified to the House Foreign Affairs Committee
May 18, 2022: “Balancing the three Pillars of the NPT: How Can Promoting Peaceful Uses Help?” Ingrid Kirste, Mara Zarka in EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium
May 17, 2022: “Kim riegelt Städte und Provinzen ab” Jeffrey Lewis, Joshua Pollack, and David Schmerler in Bild
May 16, 2022: “North Korea is being monitored for its first test of a nuclear weapon in 5 years” Jeffrey Lewis in NPR
May 16, 2022: “3 Scenarios for How Putin Could Actually Use Nukes” George M. Moore, Avner Cohen in Politico
May 15, 2022: “North Korea confirms 21 new deaths as it battles COVID-19” Jeffrey Lewis, Joshua Pollack, and David Schmerler in Bradenton Herald
May 15, 2022: “N Korea restarts work on nuclear reactor” Jeffrey Lewis, Joshua Pollack, and David Schmerler in The Riverine Herald
May 14, 2022: “N Korea restarts work on nuclear reactor” Jeffrey Lewis, Joshua Pollack, and David Schmerler in The Camden Haven Courier
May 14, 2022: “N Korea restarts work on nuclear reactor” Center for Nonproliferation Studies in The Courier
May 13, 2022: “New satellite images reveal North Korea has restarted construction on long-dormant nuclear reactor” Jeffrey Lewis in CNN
May 10, 2022: “Everything Counts: Building a Control Regime for Nonstrategic Nuclear Warheads in Europe” Miles A. Pomper, Nikolai Sokov in CNS Occasional Papers series
May 10, 2022: “Nuclear surveillance from space” Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Physics Today
May 5, 2022: “Campo de batalha da Ucrânia é assombrado pelo legado de armas químicas de Putin” Hanna Notte in Estadao
May 4, 2022: “Ukraine’s Battlefield Is Haunted by Putin’s Chemical Weapons Legacy” Hanna Notte in The New York Times
May 3, 2022: “Nuclear surveillance from space” Jeffrey Lewis in Physics Today
May 2, 2022: “Dumping treated nuclear wastewater in Pacific Ocean not recommended” Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress in University of Hawaii
May 4, 2022: “Ukraine’s Battlefield Is Haunted by Putin’s Chemical Weapons Legacy” Nikolai Sokov in The New York Times
April 29, 2022: “Expertin: Russlands Drohungen Zeichen von Verzweiflung” Hanna Notte in German TV ARD (Morgenmagazin)
April 29, 2022: “The Impact of the Ukraine War on Missile Diplomacy in the Middle East” Hanna Notte in The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington
April 28, 2022: “Ukraine vs. Russland: Wie endet der Krieg?” Hanna Notte in “Possoch klärt” on BR24
April 28, 2022: “Syrian conflict remains top priority in Russia” Hanna Notte in The World
April 26, 2022: “Kim Jong Un vows full speed ahead for North Korea’s nuclear program, as he flaunts ICBM missiles” Jeffrey Lewis in CNN
April 25, 2022: “Closing the gap: Establishing a new UN mechanism for discerning the source of pandemics of unknown origins” Angela Kane in European Leadership Network
April 17, 2022: “There’s an ‘alarming change’ in North Korea’s approach to nuclear weapons, says professor” Jeffrey Lewis in CNBC International TV
April 14, 2022: “These Countries Have Nuclear Weapons, but where are the Arsenal Located?” Miles Pomper in Boom
April 14, 2022: “A Gathering Storm, Ukraine” Hanna Notte in BACK STORY
April 12, 2022: “Why the Ukraine war does not mean more countries should seek nuclear weapons” Jeff Knop in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
April 12, 2022: “Russia isn’t likely to use chemical weapons in Ukraine – unless Putin grows desperate” Jeff Knop in The Conversation
April 12, 2022: “Has the next escalation level in the Ukraine war been reached?” Hanna Notte in California18
April 7, 2022: “Nuclear Weapons and War in Ukraine” Sarah Bidgood in TEDxMidAtlantic Salon
April 6, 2022: “Is Nuclear First Use Ever Permissible?” Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova in International Policy Digest
April 5, 2022: Podcast Episode #1068 Miles Pomper in Out of the Blank
April 5, 2022: “New satellite imagery shows activity at North Korean underground nuclear test site” Jeffrey Lewis in CNN
April 5, 2022: “How America Watches for a Nuclear Strike” Jeffrey Lewis and Michael Duitsman in The New York Times
April 5, 2022: “Аналитик: В Сирии и Украине РФ использует пять схожих тактик” Hanna Notte in Deutsche Welle
April 5, 2022: “STYRKES AV SANKSJONER” Hanna Notte in Klassekampen
April 5, 2022: “Uavhengig russisk journalist: Sanksjonene får eliten til å samle seg bak Putin” Hanna Notte in Verdens Gang
April 4, 2022: “What Countries Have Nuclear Weapons and Where Are They?” Miles Pomper and Vasili Tuganov in Madras Courier
April 2, 2022: “Who has nukes, and what do Russia’s nuclear threats mean?” Sarah Bidgood in The Sydney Morning Herald
April 2, 2022: “As Russia pulls back from Kyiv, grim scenes emerge” CNS in The Washington Post
April 2, 2022: “AS tangguh ujian peluru berpandu antara benua Minuteman III” Jeffrey Lewis in Agenda Daily
April 2, 2022: “Russia–Ukraine War (April 2): Kremlin Says Talks With Ukraine Not Easy, Important That They Continue” Jeffrey Lewis in NTD
April 1, 2022: “What countries have nuclear weapons, and where are they?” Miles Pomper in The Conversation
March 31, 2022: “Russia promises to open humanitarian corridor in Mariupol” Hanna Notte in BBC World from 5’30
March 31, 2022: “Russia’s Ukraine war builds on tactics it used in Syria, experts say” Hanna Notte in The Washington Post
March 30, 2022: “What Consequences Would Russia Face For Using Chemical Weapons?” Hanna Notte in NBC News
March 29, 2022: “Why the world is so worried about Russia’s ‘tactical’ nuclear weapons” Sarah Bidgood in The Washington Post
March 29, 2022: “Setzt Russland im Krieg gegen die Ukraine syrische Söldner ein?” Hanna Notte in BR24
March 29, 2022: “Will western-Russian confrontation shake the middle east?” Hanna Notte in War on the Rocks
March 28, 2022: “Expert Concerned Russia Could Deploy Small, ‘Tactical’ Nuclear Weapon in Ukraine” Sarah Bidgood in NBC Universal
March 28, 2022: “Analysts investigate possibility of North Korea missile test ‘deception'” Michael Duitsman in Reuters
March 27, 2022: “Opinion: North Korea’s man with the shades and the missiles just won’t disappear” CNS in The Washington Post
March 27, 2022: “Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was a huge mistake – and Moscow needs to realise this” Hanna Notte in Independent
March 26, 2022: “Analysts say images of ‘monster’ North Korean ICBM may have been from earlier launch” Michael Duitsman in WTVB
March 25, 2022 “What we know about North Korea’s new ICBM” Jeffrey Lewis in CNN
March 24, 2022: “How the Ukraine war could go nuclear” Nikolai Sokov in Politico
March 23, 2022: “Interview with Dr. Chen Kane about the outcomes of the second session of the conference on the establishment of the middle east wmd-free zone and a possible participation of Israel” Chen Kane in PIR Center
March 23, 2022: “WMD in Asia-Pacific” Miles Pomper in APLN
March 22, 2022: “Chemical weapons and red lines” Hanna Notte in The World
March 21, 2022: “10 must-read Twitter threads on the war in Ukraine” Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
March 19, 2022: “4 reasons why social media can give a skewed account of the war in Ukraine” Jeffrey Lewis in WAMU 88.5
March 17, 2022: “Russian-Ukraine War Updates” Miles Pomper in Morning Wave in Busan BeFM
March 16, 2022: “Draconian sanctions ‘on the table’ if Russia violated red line: Dr. Philipp Bleek | Fox Business Video” Philipp Bleek in Fox News
March 15, 2022: “North Korea’s Latest Launch Failed ‘Immediately,’ Says South Korea” Joshua Pollack in Global Security
March 12, 2022: “This Is a Uniquely Perilous Moment” Nikolai Sokov in The Atlantic
March 13, 2022: “Russia turns to Syria playbook with shifting claims over grounds for war” Hanna Notte in Financial Times
March 11, 2022: “Russland-Expertin: Alle Entscheidungen fallen im Kreml” Hanna Notte in NDR Info (Radio)
March 11, 2022: “Interview Hanna Notte, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies” Hanna Notte in Deutschlandradio
March 11, 2022: “North Korea’s Satellite Tech Also Useful for Nuclear Warheads: Analysts” Michael Duitsman in News Deal
March 10, 2022: “The Situation at Chernobyl Is Deteriorating” Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress in WIRED
March 10, 2022: “North Korean missile launches were a ‘serious escalation,’ official says” Jeffrey Lewis in The Washington Post
March 10, 2022: “Would Putin use nuclear weapons? An arms control expert explains what has and hasn’t changed since the invasion of Ukraine” Miles Pomper in The Conversation
March 10, 2022: “The Fallout from Russia’s Attack on Ukrainian Nuclear Facilities” William Potter in War on the Rocks
March 10, 2022: “A no-fly zone over Ukraine heightens the risk of a nuclear conflict with Russia” Joshua Pollack in WBUR
March 10, 2022: “Turkey, Israel Reset Ties But Pursue Rival Mediations in Russia-Ukraine War” Hanna Notte in VOA News
March 10, 2022: “Interview Hanna Notte, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies” Hanna Notte in Deutschlandradio
March 10, 2022: “A Dream of Imperial Power” Hanna Notte in The Independent
March 8, 2022: “Guerra nucleare. Scenario possibile?” Federica Dall’Arche in formiche
March 8, 2022: “Breaking News: Russian Troops Seize Nuclear Power Plant” Nikolai Sokov in CTV News
March 8, 2022: “Russian military doctrine calls a limited nuclear strike “de-escalation.” Here’s why.” Nikolai Sokov in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
March 8, 2022: “Russland-Expertin Hanna Notte, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, mit einer Bewertung zu Russlands Forderungen im Ukraine-Krieg” Hanna Notte in Tagesschau
March 8, 2022: “An expert on the dismal state of nuclear treaties” Joshua Pollack in Vox
March 7, 2022: “Experts worry about the accuracy of online posts depicting the war in Ukraine” Jeffrey Lewis in NPR
March 7, 2022: “New satellite photos show first construction in years at North Korea nuclear test site, analysts say” Jeffrey Lewis in NBCNews
March 6, 2022: “Russia’s Military Chief Promised Quick Victory in Ukraine, but Now Faces a Potential Quagmire” Hanna Notte in The Wall Street Journal
March 6, 2022: “How international law applies to attacks on nuclear and associated facilities in Ukraine” George Moore in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
March 4, 2022: “A no-fly zone might help Ukraine. Or it might lead to nuclear war” Joshua Pollack in The Washington Post
March 4, 2022: “A Ukrainian Nuclear Plant Is Now A War Zone. Here’s What That Means.” Joshua Pollack in BuzzFeed News
March 4, 2022: “Ukraine: No Radiation Danger After Russian Shelling Caused Europe’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant to Catch Fire” Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress in Daily Beast
March 4, 2022: “High Above Ukraine, Satellites Get Embroiled in the War” Jeffrey Lewis in WIRED
March 3, 2022: “Nuclear weapons expert: We don’t know enough, but biggest concern is the fire disrupting reactor cooling” Jeffrey Lewis in CNN
March 1, 2022: “As Russia’s Ukraine war intensifies, some warn nuclear escalation is possible” Jeffrey Lewis in NPR
March, 2022: “Export Control and Emerging Technology Control in an Era of Strategic Competition” Ian Stewart CNS Washington Office Nonproliferation Notes
February 28, 2022: “La menace nucléaire de Vladimir Poutine, annonce en l’air ou réel danger pour le monde?” Nikolai Sokov in France24
February 27, 2022: “As Ukraine Resists, Putin Raises Nuclear Specter” Jeffrey Lewis in TIME
February 27, 2022: “Go read this report about how researchers used Google Maps to track the invasion of Ukraine” Jeffrey Lewis in The Verge
February 26, 2022: “Russian State Media Bolster Putin’s Narrative for Ukraine Invasion” Nikolai Sokov in The Wall Street Journal
February 25, 2022: “These Nerds Saw Ukraine Invasion Start On Google Maps Before Putin Said a Word” Jeffrey Lewis in Daily Beast
February 23, 2022: “On Google Maps, Tracking the Invasion of Ukraine” Jeffrey Lewis in The Washington Post
February 23, 2022: “Военная операция России в Украине: ракетные удары, закрытые аэропорты // Спецэфир RTVI” Nikolai Sokov in RTVI (begins at 2:37:45)
February 12, 2022: “Thirty years of U.S. ambassadors in Moscow” Hanna Notte in The Naked Pravda
February 14, 2022: “What Would Russia’s with the West Mean for Nuclear Arms Control?” Hanna Notte and Sarah Bidgood in War on the Rocks
February, 2022: “Breaking News” Miles Pomper in Alarabiya
February, 2022: “Russian Troops Seize Nuclear Power Plant” Dr. Potter in CTV News
January 31, 2022: “‘At doom’s doorstep’: Doomsday Clock set at 100 seconds to world destruction” CNS mentioned in inquirer
January 31, 2022: “Why is North Korea Suddenly Launching So Many New Missile Tests?” Jeffrey Lewis in Global Dispatches Podcast
January 28, 2022: “N.Korea confirms latest weapons tests as Kim visits key munitions factory” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Reuters
January 27, 2022: “North Korea fires off more missiles as testing frenzy continues” CNS mentioned in The Japan Times
January 26, 2022: “Explainer: Minds behind the missiles: N.Korea’s secretive weapons developers” CNS in Reuters
January 25, 2022: “Otak di Balik Rudal Korut, Kim Jong-Un Sangat Mengandalkan Tiga Sosok ini” CNS mentioned in Merdeka
January 24, 2022: “Minţile din spatele programelor secrete de rachete ale Coreei de Nord” CNS mentioned in Adevarul
January 23, 2022: “Explainer: Minds behind the missiles: North Korea’s secretive weapons developers” CNS mentioned in Reuters
January 19, 2022: “Meet the Nuclear Sleuths Shaking Up U.S. Spycraft’” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Politico
January 18, 2022: “Contingency Planning” CNS mentioned in Arms Control Wonk
January 18, 2022: “North Korea test fires 2 short-range ‘tactical-guided missiles’” Michael Duitsman and Joshua Pollack quoted in Radio Free Asia
January 15, 2022: “Russia, US Have Good Chance Of Agreeing On Intermediate, Short-Range Missiles – Experts” Nikolai Sokov quoted in UrduPoint News/Sputnik
January 14, 2022: “New Missiles, New Risks: The Escalatory Implications of Iran’s Precision-Strike Weapons” Jim Lamson in War on the Rocks
January 12, 2022: “Russia Weighs Arms Control Negotiations As Fear Of War In Ukraine Looms” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Time
January 11, 2022: “Расстались при своем: к чему Россия и США пришли в Женеве” Nikolai Sokov in Izvestia
January 11, 2022: “North Korea tests ‘hypersonic missiles’ in global race for new rockets” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Reuters
January 11, 2022: “N.Korea tests ‘hypersonic missiles’ in global race for new rockets” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in WHTC
January 11, 2022: “State Media: Kim Jong Un Observed North Korea’s Latest ‘Hypersonic’ Launch” Joshua Pollack quoted in Voa News
January 11, 2022: “Saudi Arabia Said to Produce Ballistic Missiles” Jeffrey Lewis and David Schmerler quoted in Arms Control Association
January 10, 2022: “В шаге от провала. Россия ставит ультиматум США и НАТО. Чего ждать от переговоров по безопасности?” Nikolai Sokov in
January 7, 2022: “S.Korea casts doubts on North Korea’s ‘hypersonic missile’ claims” Jeffrey Lewis in Reuters
January 5, 2022: “US Will Not Agree To All Russian Security Proposals, Compromise Possible” Nikolai Sokov in Sputnik International
January 5, 2022: “The Proliferation of Disinformation” Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova in Press the Button podcast by Ploughshares Fund
January 4, 2022: “Satellite images show Morocco has built an air defense base near its capital” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Defense News
January 4, 2022: “Berlin Continues to Look to Moscow and Washington for Major Strides in Nuclear Arms Control” Hanna Notte for Valdai Club
January 3, 2022: “As China Pursues Nuclear Arms Buildup, Biden Opts for Banter at United Nations” CNS mentioned in The New York Sun